Friday, July 25, 2008

I did it!

I am 30 weeks pregnant.
I had an appointment today.
I was NOT put on bed rest.
This is a major accomplishment.

I had an appointment today and I was thinking he would give me strict bed rest orders and he didn't! So I celebrated the day by spending it at 6-flags. Not necessarily how I would like to celebrate, but Andy's office won tickets so be being the supportive wife I supported.

He did say that he is crossing his fingers that I can make it to 34 weeks, which was a weird comment. I also found out I LOST 1/4 of a pound. Bringing the grand total of weight gain to 6 pounds. So please someone explain to me how or why I look like I am carrying a second grader in utero...hmmm... In fact a lady today at 6-Flags said are you trying to walk the baby out, and I said not quite yet, so she felt comfortable enough to say, so 2 or 3? To which I replied...huh? And she then said twins or triplets? I laughed and said oh one. Nice. And to think I am measuring a week small. What an interesting day. All I have to say is at least I am NOT on bed's to another two weeks of doingeverythingiwantwheniwant!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Sitting here drinking chocolate milk...

hey, i passed my glucose test it is allowed right? actually i was just thinking it is not as good as it was when i was a kid...but anyway...

many thanks to all the people who commented, called or emailed about my last post. my dad is doing really well. we feel more than grateful that he went in when he did and all is well. he had a heart attack with a huge blood clot and the very next day he went home and days later he was at work. my c section recoveries are more intense than that, my how far we have come in the medical field. now if we could only do something about the pain i have when i laugh, sneeze or cough after i have my cute little babies.

so my contractions have gotten ridiculous. why does this happen to me. i don't know. but what i do know is i need to take it easy. i do not want to have a little one in the nicu and going up for visits everyday, so this means stay low. well just like every pregnancies i am on a let's do everything we can possibly do to exhaust ourselves before our baby comes. when we moved in i did the dining room, kitchen, our bedroom, j's bedroom, our bathroom, main bathroom and family room. i decorated it and painted it and they are done and we are really happy with them. i attempted bennett's room, but i hate it and plan to change it this week. i wasn't sure what to do with cort's room and our living room was crazy with toys until our basement is finished with a toy room so i didn't attempt anything in there either. so this week we did cort's room which i love, but some of the bedding in on back order until next week, so that will be done by then. i finally decided how to fix bennett's room and we are doing that tonight and i got the cameron wall system from pbk so now i can do the living room too and just wait till the toys are downstairs to really decorate it. what will i do when the house is done? what will i think about and plan? oh and then we need to get the basement organized better so the builder can come and make the plans for our basement. so you can see i am taking it easy right? well the truth is i have a dr appointment on friday where i am sure he will put me on bed rest so i am planning on getting most of this done by then so i can be obedient, sounds good right? oh and you can expect many house pictures when we are done.

anyway, so we are trying to be productive here without me going into full blown labor. i think i have like 7 weeks left and i honestly can not imagine how i will be able to do that. rolling over in bed is a major ordeal. and don't even get me started on the heartburn or getting up FOUR TIMES last night to pee! Geesh, all for this tiny new baby boy who will make our lives even more wonderful, it is all worth i suppose!

Monday, July 14, 2008

What a day...

I kind of feel like I may regret this post since I do not like to dwell on the negative, but I will anyway. This morning I woke up just extra tired and irritated. I wasn't at all very patient with the kids. Oh and this morning Andy's cars battery was dead so he had to take mine after almost blowing up the house, and I already had a babysitter lined up to run some errands and go to the chiropractor so I was sad not to be able to go and get a little break while I was at it.

After talking to Andy he decided to run home for lunch and jump his car so I could still go. I was so grateful. The kids were extra wired and I was extra tired so I was liking that idea. Andy got home and I was running to Lowe's to get some window well coverings, although that was before I knew they were TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS! and while I was in there I get a call from Andy.

He says, have you talked to your mom? I say know and he says well your dad thinks he had another heart attack. I stopped dead in my tracks and began to bawl. I was so sad don't get me wrong, but it was not what I wanted to hear at this time. My day was already bad, did this really have to happen?

My dad had a heart attack exactly 10 years ago. I was a wreck then. It was hard on me. I was living in Utah at the time and so wished I was there with him and my mom. So today when I got the news, my first thought was at least I was here.

I began crying and the poor people at Lowe's did not know what to do with me. I think they all thought I was in labor or something. As I was talking to Andy I noticed everyone around me panicking. It was sort of funny actually, as rude as that sounds.

I calmed myself down ran my errands and then finally heard back from my dad. Yeah, the one who drove himself to the hospital. He only ended up at the hospital because on his way to work he realized oh yeah this is a heart attack. So he drove himself there waited in the waiting room and was taken in hours after arriving.

Andy and I got to the hospital right when he was being taken into the heart cath lab. I like hospitals and I have realized that is because when I am there I get a darling baby or two to take home with me. I do not like being there during really stressful moments. I was afraid I would have been a wreck and I actually did pretty well. I mean this is coming from a person cannot watch ER because I get to attached to the people hurting and think about them for months after wards. So with this being my dad I thought I would be just ballistic.

Well while in the waiting area with my mom, grandma, grandpa and Andy you would have thought we were just there for social hour(s). We were laughing and talking like no other. We were really having a good time. It was so fun to tell you the truth. The assistant came back and said they found the problem and they were going to try and fix it right then.

About an hour later ( it is amazing how fast it all went...what they can do with your heart in an hour!) we were walked back to the Dr. (bless his heart and hands) where he told us there was a blood clot in his his graph which is the knew artery they put in ten years ago. He said literally his life was sparred by minutes and it was a miracle he got in when he did. What a blessing.

You know it is times like these where I thought my day started off so rough that I realize how blessed I am. I am so grateful for all of my blessings. I am grateful for a Heavenly Father that loves me and for the faith I have in him. I seriously count my self so blessed on this day for my earthly father who went in when he did.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

I heart the Container Store

Yesterday was a fun day. The whole family spent the whole day out and about. We first ran to run a picture frame back that broke, that they wouldn't take back, then we went to Old Navy to spend a $30 gift check, then we went to PBK to buy the Cameron Wall System, which we didn't because next week their floor models are going on sale so I will score big time then, then we went to another mall to get the kids picture taken finally after wanting to since Easter, then homeward bound we were.

I have to say though my favorite part of my day was my trip to The Container Store. Oh how I love thee. I could go into that store and stay for days. Living in Chicago I would make it a every week trip, but now since the closet store is about 30 minutes away, the trips are far and few between. I just love it there and I got some things I had really been wanting. Like some boxes for our boxes of memories for the kids. I plan to keep all their keepsakes in these boxes now that they have out grew their baby keepsake box. I also got some cute little boxes for some zucchini bread to take to the new neighbors. We have four new neighbors that moved in over the last week, so I hope to get those to them tomorrow. I could buy just about everything in there and be in such a happy place, but since my funds ARE limited, this little excursion will have to do. But boy did it make me happy.

Darling pictures to come!

Thursday, July 10, 2008


okay, so the inevitable has happened...i am officially uncomfortable. i am pleased to say that i feel like it has happened a little later in this pregnancy than previous pregnancies, but still, i am uncomfortable.

last night i would toss and turn and tossing and turning is a little more difficult when it takes several minutes to do so. as of two nights ago i was still sleeping on my stomach and that is no more. i cannot eat anything because i already feel so full all the time. last night i was having so many contractions i would have thought i was in labor had i not known better. the dr. gave me some medicine for that and i do not want to take them, so now i am trying so hard to stay hydrated and taking it way easy, or at least as easy as i can with my "workload". i even try in the morning to think of whatever i would need for the day for downstairs so i do not have to make any unneeded trips up the stairs. lunch time is when i am already wore out and the thought of putting kids up in their chairs, feeding them, wiping them down, getting them out, lifting them up to change three diapers, walking them up stairs, laying down by them for a good nap kiss, getting up and doing that two other times and walking down the stairs to the lunch time mess is a little overwhelming. i am so lucky to have my mom here who very often comes to save the day. all this and i am still so grateful to be pregnant. what a complainer i am though. i do know this is a blessing, i do, however, need to remind myself this often.

a man came to clean our carpets today and he kept saying well how many kids do you have because they just kept appearing to him while he was here and i said 4 and one on the way. he said well that is a little and i was totally expecting crazy because that is what i hear everyday, but instead he said something rather refreshing, he said that is a little miracle, huh? it almost brought tears to my eyes to hear this middle aged single guy say. i replied with, well we sure think so and he said, well if anyone thinks differently they obviously aren't in your shoes to see how miraculous your lives are. that made all the aforementioned complaints seem a little more bearable. so what if i get winded going to get the mail, i am making another little miracle to add to our already miraculous family.

heres to a wonderful 9 weeks!


I literally have thousands of pictures from our trip that I want to post so I need to do some sort of slide show and I need to know your favorite way to do this. I have tried one before that I did not like and I have seen some before that I did not like, so I am calling on my peeps to let me know what you like best so I can post some of our lovely vacation pictures for all to see.


My little Cortland is just so cute and sweet. The poor kid has had a hard last three days. The first day he fell from the couch into our coffee table which is all leather, but still it hurt, and his nose was bleeding like crazy and he broke his nose. We are hoping since he is so young and little still it will not be noticeable. Poor kid. Then the next day he fell down 9 stairs onto our hard wood floor. The poor little guy. It was totally one of those in the movies fall too. It looked choreographed. Then yesterday I have no idea what he did, but when he came to me to be cuddled he had a huge goose egg on his head. I have to admit though when he gets hurt he wants to be held, cuddled and loved which I LOVE. He is so sweet and so fun to cuddle with.

Cortland is just getting so old. Some of his new favorites are:

talking really loud,

he loves to say your name after he says something to you like look at the water--pause--pause--mooooom! it is really cute,

he is talking so much and loves to point everything out to you that he thinks is fascinating,

he loves to take naps and go to bed and loves to sleep with his nite-nites which are his blankies and he is known to sleep with up to 5 blankets at a time,

he can count to 25 or above depending on his mood,

he knows every color and calls everything by its colored name,

he loves the outside,

he is sweet and kind,

he is skinny as all get out,

he totally adores planes-stars and the moon,

he is busy,

he loves and adores Jadeyn and wants her near him at all times,
he is totally the type of kid you loves to give gifts to because he gets so excited and has so much thrill to his voice,

he is one of my favorite people in the whole wide world!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My baby is growing up...

***how cute is this picture and how much cuter would it be if it were not sideways?!?

My little Maddox is 18 month did that happen...someone tell me NOW! It is a darn good thing I have another one brewing or I would totally be hitting some sort of depression about now!

My little boy also hit a major milestone of entering nursery at church. In our church at 18 months you get to go to nursery and play and have treats for the last two hours of church. I thought he would be sad to leave daddy because he really is a daddy's boy, but it was as if he had been there all along and could care less if we were there or not, plus he had J and C there with him, so it was probably just like home. It was kind of weird being empty handed Sunday, but I guess in two or so months I will be back to having a boy in my arms. It is rather odd to think I have THREE children in JUNIOR nursery...weird.

Maddox it totally turning into our talker. He loves to talk and repeat everything we say. The other day I pronounced over 50 words and he repeated them all. He tries to go down the stairs like the "big" kids, but still resort to turning around and sliding down on his belly. He pats my tummy and says, "Awe baby". Like I said before he is a daddy's boy and he also has a special place in his heart for Grandma Kathy and when the two of them aren't around, I get to be his favorite. I love that he loves those two so much! He still has the darkest hair and eyes. He is so tiny and skinny. It is rather endearing I think. He is just so darling and still just so sweet. We are so lucky to have him. He is just this little extra blessing in our lives. Thanks Maddy for making the past 18 months the best of our whole lives!