Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Sitting here drinking chocolate milk...

hey, i passed my glucose test it is allowed right? actually i was just thinking it is not as good as it was when i was a kid...but anyway...

many thanks to all the people who commented, called or emailed about my last post. my dad is doing really well. we feel more than grateful that he went in when he did and all is well. he had a heart attack with a huge blood clot and the very next day he went home and days later he was at work. my c section recoveries are more intense than that, my how far we have come in the medical field. now if we could only do something about the pain i have when i laugh, sneeze or cough after i have my cute little babies.

so my contractions have gotten ridiculous. why does this happen to me. i don't know. but what i do know is i need to take it easy. i do not want to have a little one in the nicu and going up for visits everyday, so this means stay low. well just like every pregnancies i am on a let's do everything we can possibly do to exhaust ourselves before our baby comes. when we moved in i did the dining room, kitchen, our bedroom, j's bedroom, our bathroom, main bathroom and family room. i decorated it and painted it and they are done and we are really happy with them. i attempted bennett's room, but i hate it and plan to change it this week. i wasn't sure what to do with cort's room and our living room was crazy with toys until our basement is finished with a toy room so i didn't attempt anything in there either. so this week we did cort's room which i love, but some of the bedding in on back order until next week, so that will be done by then. i finally decided how to fix bennett's room and we are doing that tonight and i got the cameron wall system from pbk so now i can do the living room too and just wait till the toys are downstairs to really decorate it. what will i do when the house is done? what will i think about and plan? oh and then we need to get the basement organized better so the builder can come and make the plans for our basement. so you can see i am taking it easy right? well the truth is i have a dr appointment on friday where i am sure he will put me on bed rest so i am planning on getting most of this done by then so i can be obedient, sounds good right? oh and you can expect many house pictures when we are done.

anyway, so we are trying to be productive here without me going into full blown labor. i think i have like 7 weeks left and i honestly can not imagine how i will be able to do that. rolling over in bed is a major ordeal. and don't even get me started on the heartburn or getting up FOUR TIMES last night to pee! Geesh, all for this tiny new baby boy who will make our lives even more wonderful, it is all worth i suppose!


Shane, Meg, CJ, RJ, and AL said...

I am so excited for two things -- one, to see house pictures. I know whatever you do will be fantastic! Second, I am excited to see that next little one you will have!

Sariah English said...

Wow have you been busy! Take it easy!!! You need it. But I am looking forward to seeing those pictures! You are in our prayers