Thursday, August 28, 2008

The upper east side

That is where this baby likes to kick. Seriously, he just likes to hang out there all the time and make it a little uncomfortable for me.

This pregnancy has been kind of interesting I think. Not only was I completely surprised by even being pregnant, here are a few other weird things that have come my way this time around...

*My blood pressure is always pretty low, but this whole pregnancy it has consistantly been about 90/45...weird I know. Well one time it was 103/50 and that was high for me!

*I have gained a total of 8 pounds. This is weird to me, and my doctor is not too happy with me, but what can you do?

*I have not had an appetite since I knew I was pregnant, which probably attributes to the first thing-probably:)!

*There has not been one day of this entire pregnancy that I have not thrown, I know.

*I am bigger than I was when I was pregnant with an 11 pound child, twins and my fourth baby. Which is weird in itself because I have only gained 8 pounds!

*I am measuring 3 weeks small, again weird because I am huge.

*There have been several days this pregnancy that I haven't even thought about being pregnant, which is weird because my other pregnancies my life was consumed by being pregnant.

*No carpal tunnel, no cavities and no eczema, but mad round ligament pains.

*I will have our fifth child in 2 and a half weeks and I have not even prepared one bit...I need to get a move on it.

*A good thing is being pregnant right when buying a house has it advantages because the nesting influence is awesome with decorating and getting the house to a "homey" stage.

*I have never more wanted another baby at this stage of the pregnancy! YIKES!

As you can see I have had my fair share of weird things this pregnancy. One thing I am hoping this nesting thing will help out is getting up to date on this blog. I still need to do our vacation and I am two weeks behind on my Monday makeovers but be sure to tune in to this Monday because I will be posting three rooms to make up for it. I will also be sure to post about Andy and my little get a way last weekend. So hopefully in the near future there will be a lot more blogging going on in this house!


Anonymous said...

I can't wait for baby!! I wish I could just stay that week I come up for the time out thing and then Adam can get me the following week. Wouldn't that be helpful!! or maybe in the way..

Jackie said...

Interesting stats! I must admit I've been waiting for the monday makeovers... you always have such good ideas!