Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I have been meaning to update my blog and haven't gotten around to it. I still need to put our Halloween pictures up and blog about Bennett's soccer season. It has been kind of slow around our home. We have been staying in and enjoying our little family.

I went to the Dentist yesterday, he was really good I must say and pretty darn good looking, shh don't tell Andy. I have needed dental work for sometime now. It feels like every time I could go to the dentist I was pregnant. So while I am not pregnant I thought I should get in as soon as I could. He prepped three teeth for a bridge and drilled out all my silver and filled with white composite. It looks so good. I need to go in two more times. By the time I am done every single tooth in my mouth will have been fixed or altered in some way. Sheesh it is a darn good thing I am married to a dentist. We are still arguing over the color of all my new teeth. Andy prefers teeth that are normal tooth color with a yellow slight tint and I want white WHITE. Not movie star white where they are so white they look grey because you can see through them and are seeing the darkness of the back of your mouth, but white. Anyway, the dental appointment went pretty well. He is good. I did not even feel the needle go in. The ladies at his office loved that I brought Paxton in just passed him around the 3 hours I was there. Fun times, I tell ya.

You know I have to say that this day, well last night was a pretty emotional night. Whether you are Red or Blue I don't think anyone would deny that this step we took as Americans is a big one, one that will always be remembered in this country as a day we became closer to being united. A day in History that our children and their children and so on will be taught and feel proud of that that is where our country is who at one time wouldn't even allow women or African Americans to vote had one of each on the ballot. That is amazing and I am so pleased to live at this time. My voice was heard even if the one I voted for didn't win. Here's to a untied next four years. I personally feel that we need to support the president of the United States and I plan to do so and will teach my children the same.

So I plan to update my blog with some photos soon. I also even have some Monday Makeovers I need to start doing again. So be on the look out for some new pictures!

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