Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How did I get so lucky?

Today three years ago the sweetness little sweetie blessed our family. Man how I love him! He out of all of our children is one that at the time we had no idea how much he was needed. I know I have mentioned before how I called two dear friends and bawled to them not knowing what I was going to do or how I would handle three babies. Somehow, I did, or am I suppose. Just like always the Lord knows what we are need of and blesses us with those things even if we aren't quite aware yet. I remember just saying over and over to Andy how can I beg for a baby for four years and nothing and then three babies in one year?!?! Again, we are on his timing I am sure of that and looking back there is no other way it should have been!

When Maddox was born all Andy could come back and report to me was that he is so sweet. I wasn't sure how to take that, but sure enough when I finally got to see him the next day, that was the word that screamed out to me too. Nothing has changed. He is quiet and sweet and just melts my heart with every word he speaks.

Last week they were all watching a movie one night and I came into the room and was just overwhelmed by all these little cuties that are mine! I looked at Maddox looking so old yet still ONLY two and I ran to him and he opened his arms and kissed me before I could kiss him and held on to my hug longer than imaginable. I wanted to freeze time right there. That was a moment I will NEVER forget.
Dearest Maddox, we will forever be grateful to have you in our family. Your sweetness is indescribable, your dark brown eyes are beautiful, your charm is adored, you my little friend could not be any more wonderful than what you are. Please know how much we love you and how much you are needed in this family. We love you dearly!

Love, mom

1 comment:

Jamie Dana said...

Maddox is so sweet. I can't believe he is three! Happy Birthday Maddox.