Friday, October 12, 2007

guess who has three more teeth?

this little guy
he is officially 9 months old. how can that be? he is really just the light of my life. he always puts a smile on my face. what can i say, i am a sucker for his little brown eyes, he darling little smile and a personality that i cannot get enough of. i love you baby maddox. thanks for picking me!

some random facts on this little guy:

-he can pull himself up to anything
-he was caught on the fifth stair the day he learned to pull himself up
-he does not know how to cry
-he is my only dark eyed child
-he loves to boogie
-his favorite thing to do is clap when he hears clapping
-he is a snuggler
-he loves to eat
-loves the new space to explore
-loves his brothers and sister and break out in a laugh when he sees them
-he has 7 teeth now
-is such a little gift to me

1 comment:

Bonnie Wayne said...

Hey girl - I like the new blog. I only wish it had more color - thats one thing I really liked about your website. But its much easier to leave comments this way, thats for sure. Have you decided which way to go? If so I will update my links on my blog for you. Cute pics -love the teeth!