Today is my husbands birthday. What a fun day we had. The kids and I got up extra early and started our morning off with running a few errands which included a trip to the Lou to the Cup Cakery. An endodontist sent his office a dozen cupcakes last Christmas and he has been raving about them ever since so we decided to make the drive over and get some to hand deliver to his office to celebrate his day. It is so much easier now going places with the kids than even 6 months ago. Two of the four can get in their seats and buckle AND unbuckle themselves which seriously is a treat like no other AND J or C willingly and lovingly like to buckle Maddox in and unbuckle. It is like so easy now, plus they are a little older so listening and being able to walk in stores and "getting" bribes is so much easier. So we have been venturing out a lot more. We were becoming shut ins for a while there, but anyway, so after the cupcake place we ran a few more errands and one of them happened to be Target. We came out to our car and it did not start. I didn't panic at first until I tried calling several people and no one answered and no one even asked me what was going on or stopped to ask if they could help and when I would ask someone they honestly would just stare at me. So weird. So finally this nice guy came out of the store and said your ride hasn't come yet and I said actually I haven't been able to get a hold of anyone, so he said let me check if I have jumpers and sure enough he did. I was so thankful to this guy. He asked how old my patient children were in the car and I told him and he was shocked I had that many kids in the car and said he had three grandchildren those ages and I told him well these kids grandparents will be very grateful you helped their grandchildren. I couldn't almost get that out and had tears in my eyes because seriously I was so grateful. Finally we got back on the road and we went to pick up lunch for Andy and got to his office. The kids practiced a birthday song all the way there, when they got there they told him Happy Birthday gave his office the cupcakes and we ate lunch together. I could tell Andy was so happy we were there. I think it really made his day more special. After lunch we came home and I put the kids down for their naps after a long morning and afternoon and got started on Andy's requested dinner of The Pioneer Woman's Lasagna. Got the house picked up and he got home and not long after that my Grandparents arrived to celebrate with us. We had dinner and Andy opened his gifts and then we had some more cupcakes.
It was a great day. I felt really productive and I loved that we got to do something a little out of the ordinary for Andy's birthday. I could tell he really was so happy to have us up at his office. I just love that man so much. I feel so privileged to be his wife. I sometimes wonder, why me? How did I get so lucky. He is just everything I have ever wanted and more. He picks up where I leave off...he understands my feelings...he knows what to say...he doesn't just help around the house he wholeheartedly believes we are equals...he provides for our family and supports us in what we do...he enjoys being with us and counts that time an honor...he has never belittled me or made me feel anything less than wonderful. He is amazing. He knows who he is, he knows what he wants, he knows what is important and am I ever grateful for that. Thank you. This day I celebrate you Andy. I am grateful that 32 years ago a wonderful soul was born. I am grateful that 32 years later we are together forever.